Thursday, 12 December 2013

Preparing For My Music Magazine: Cover Page Drafts

Draft 2
Once I had produced my first draft of my Music Magazine Cover Page I then went back to my conventions checklist to make sure I had enough on there. I knew from the beginning to make a good music magazine I would have to follow convention rules and the rules of three regarding columns and grids when it came to the layout.
I started originally without my conventions checklist and included the main parts I already knew from a magazine, I wanted this to be a rough copy and a rough draft to work from. Once I had done that I checked what conventions I already had, which ones needed adding and which ones were an option but I wanted to include in order to make my magazine successful. A lot of my style had to come from the house style I created and specific fonts to tie in the magazine itself. I have chosen a font called American Typewriter which comes with 5 options 'Original,' 'Original Sample,' 'Original Bold,' 'Typewriter Sample' and 'Typewriter Bold.' I decided for my main texts I would use 'Typewriter Bold' and for my cover lines and smaller additional pieces of text I would use 'Original Sample' and 'Original Bold.' I have also made sure that the layout is more effective with uses of white space and image to text cohesion.

I decided to change the colour of 'Derry' and the
Anchorage Line to a striking red as I felt it would
work better in contrast to the black and white image
and background. For my house style I have kept it
black, white, grey, yellow and red as those are the
more eye-catching of the possible colours I could
of used, as it is a music magazine I wanted the image
to speak for itself and the design to compliment the
artists I would be including which is why I kept with
simple colours and striking composition in order for
the magazine to shine in its own brilliance without
having too much artificial accents to it, which I also
thought reflected the music industry as many of the
greatest artists don't use a lot of the up-to-date and
popular voice enhancers as some of the up and coming
stars would.


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